01 February 2017

Batiste Dry Shampoo

I wish I had discovered this product earlier! I've been using it for a few years now and I have tried most of their fragrances. The Original one, I didn't like too much: it was just as effective as the others but the smell reminded me of sterile hospital supplies. The Sweetie one has an obnoxious raspberry smell. But hey, they are meant to cover the smell of sebum with a harsh fragrance while also absorbing said sebum from your roots. I have also tried Cherry, Blush (generic flowery smell) and Tropical (my favorite, coconut & candies).

Most people say dry shampoo is a great alternative to washing every day; but if you use it incorrectly, you might just look like you added some dandruff to your hair. On the packaging it says: shake well, spray from 30cm/12in into your roots, massage into roots, brush away the excess. Simple right? Wrong! The process is messy and residue will fall off your hair all day long (nightmare for black clothes).

What I recommend is to:
  • never spray it while you're wearing good clothes
  • try to avoid wearing dark clothes
  • spray the night before, let the powder properly absorb grease over night so you can easily remove it in the morning
  • get a very dense hair comb just for this process, to properly remove excess powder (you'll need to clean it very often)
  • blow dry excess powder (on cold setting)
  • do not overuse this product (it does not let your scalp breathe, thus creating more grease); use only when necessary, between washes (on days 2 to 3)

Batiste Instant Hair refresh Dry Shampoo
UK's No. 1 Dry Shampoo. The perfect quick fix for great looking hair between washes.

BRAND: Batiste

LOCATION: elefant.ro / sensiblu

PRICE: 16.99 / 23 RON



  • gets rid of unaesthetic slimy hair
  • adds fragrance (masks sebum smell)
  • makes hair more rigid - good for styling (I personally don't like this)
  • a bottle lasts me about a month, ok for the price


  • powder, powder everywhere! clothes, carpets, hair brush, forehead, ears
  • if used incorrectly (not removing excess, brushing your scalp too hard) looks like dandruff

Would I buy this product again? Yes! I feel like I can't go outside with slimy hair anymore! Compared to the Balea one, this one has a very sharp smell and overall absorbs more grease.

For my fellow Romanians, you can find it in Sensiblu Pharmacies, frequently with a discount, or even cheaper, on elefant.ro.

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