17 February 2017

Balea Oil Repair Conditioner

My favorite conditioner for this winter is offered by dm's own brand, Balea. Sure, I could have bought another standard Balea conditioner but my curiosity led me to the Balea 'Professional' line. And I have to say, yes, this conditioner is better than the standard one and better than the one from Kallos too. I have nothing but words of praise for this product.

Balea Professional Oil Repair Spülung
Cleans and maintains extremely damaged and dry hair. With phytokeratin and argan oil. Silicone free.

BRAND: Balea

LOCATION: dm / drogerie markt

PRICE: 7.70 RON / 1.35 EUR



  • yummy fragrance
  • makes hair easy to comb, shiny and silky ♡
  • damn cheap


  • none

Would I buy this product again? Yes! From the same 'Oil Repair' collection, I have also tried the spray which I reviewed over here.

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