23 January 2017

Greasy hair? Split ends?

Image @Unsplash.

I’ve been struggling with oily hair for a long time now and I have learned a lot from my experience.
Some of these tips might seem very very basic… but I’m gonna leave them here anyway.

  • Do not wash your hair every day! Do not wash your hair every 2 days! Your scalp will get used to producing more sebum and you will smell awful a few hours after washing. Instead, wash about 2 times per week.

  • "But my hair will look and smell like shit!" you're gonna say. Yes, that is why you should invest in a good dry shampoo. Batiste offers an effective and cheap product that absorbs grease and adds a pleasant smell to your hair roots. Balea Dry Shampoo is also an option but it's a bit less effective than Batiste.

  • "But what (liquid) shampoo should I use?" A good shampoo shouldn't be too harsh or too moisturizing for your scalp. Avoid 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner because they never work as intended. If your hair is greasy then avoid those "oil/serum/extra-super moisturizing/repair/dry-scalp" kind of shampoos for they will be easily absorbed by your scalp and roots and barely absorbed by the ends of your hair (that actually really need moisture and repairing). Try pH neutral shampoos for sensitive skin if you have greasy hair but also flaky and dry scalp. My current favorite is the Balea Vitalizing Shampoo for normal and greasy hair, for example. Good luck finding your best match!

  • "I have dry hair and split ends too..." This is where conditioner plays its role! Only apply conditioner to the lower half of your hair, far away from your roots! Still not silky smooth? Try a hair mask! Don't be fooled by advertisements and pretty packaging: split ends will never magically disappear from a good moisturizing; they'll only look a little better and come back after not using conditioner. Cut them away when they become unaesthetic or use a little bit of hair wax on them to make them stick together.

  • Dry your hair as soon as possible if you live in a humid environment. I've noticed that sleeping with my hair wet over night during fall/winter makes it lose all its volume and it becomes noticeably greasier.

  • Wash twice when washing your hair! "Uhh ...Do what?" Yes, the first wash will help remove the general grease from your hair. This will make your hair strands stick less to each other, allowing the second wash to properly clean the leftover dirt or grease. You will notice you need a smaller amount of shampoo for the second wash and you will feel cleaner. So: wash, rinse, wash, rinse, done!

Now, I'm not some professional hair person. These are just tips that I've found useful and that might not work for everyone.
My only proof is my personal experience.

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